So there will be no (good) photos of my finished Cria today, as you can see by this wonderful self-shot beauty. Also, I haven't blocked it yet, probably because I don't really know how to block, since I admittedly don't finish many of my projects. Kind of pathetic, I know. Anyway, sometime soon you will get to see my second finished sweater,
After what seemed like years of stockinette with only a tiny bit of garter for a treat(!) with the darn Cria, I decided now was the time for me to do something super-cabley. Like, right now.
I was trying to hold out until Vogue Knitting Live to buy the yarn for Aidez, but I wasn't doing well with the prospect of waiting a month. I was jonesing for cables, so I started looking.
Now, somehow I got the idea that I wanted Aidez to be in an obscenely squishy yarn, in a watery blue-green color. Not seafoam green, like from your box of Crayolas. A truly watery, milky blue-green like vintage jadeite glassware.
Strangely enough, the closest I came to finding the color I wanted online was from KnitPicks, their bulky
Then I had to wait for the yarn to arrive. Ugh. The urge to cable hadn't abated, so when I saw an ad for the lovely
Milkweed Capelet (I know, a capelet? Because it's so me), I jumped to cast on.
And again color dictated my yarn choice. This is some old, old Queensland Collection Llama Seta (80 alpaca, 20 silk) in a nice lavender. Mmmm, squishy.
OK, that took care of the cable jitters. But what about that bandwagon I was going to jump on last week, the
Beekeeper's Quilt? Consider that bandwagon jumped.

Two teeny pinkish-purple and pinkish-orange hexipuffs
They are fun and luxuriously mindless. Expect an FO post here in 10 years.
Oh look, the Cadena is here!

Sagebrush. Mind you, it doesn't look this minty in real life. It strikes a really nice balance between minty green and pale blue with a tinge of gray-yellow. Ha, who would have thought I'd wax poetic about a KnitPicks colorway (not that there's anything wrong with that ...)?
Time to cast on for Aidez at long last.